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Adventures on the L: K-9 Called

The first in a series of blogs about my adventures on the L. The L is a nickname for the train that runs around Chicago for those of you who don't know. A lot of strange things happen on the L as you will find out.

So the above video is Snapchat video I took after the arguing had been going on for a while. Two men were going back and forth arguing and yelling at each other. Some of the best burns from each of the men were:

"Go to the doctor and get your face checked out!"

"I will beat your ass!"



Those are phrases the men said! Harsh stuff. The driver of the train ended up giving them one warning and they continued. At the next stop he went on the loud speaker and called for security who brought a K-9 dog. I captured the next events on Snapchat. It was hard to film as I didn't want to make it obvious I was filming them. The situation could have gotten a lot worse if security wasn't called. Below is the possible aftermath without security.

A lot of crazy stuff happens on the L so get ready for more!


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